Most important of all: the puppy is born! And it is a female! A healthy, strong and beautiful little creature came to the world on June 7th at 10 o`clock pm. The delivery went smooth and Ruda is a devoted, caring mother! I am very, very happy and hope the puppy will grow nicely as there is no need to fight for a place at the milk bar.
Already after the first night its weight increased from 370g at the birth until 400g! There is some amount of positivity in being a single puppy! And I am so proud of Ruda!
Little Prima has made me proud as well on last obedience competition! She completed a whole program with no mistakes ( except some happy jumps for which there were some deductions ). We have collected 277,5 points of 320, an excellent result and are now approved to compete in class 2. And I am a bit proud of myself for keeping my spirit up and controlling my nerves during that competition, let´s hope it will work even better in the future!
Some serious training is waiting ahead. Have to maintain Primas joyful attitude but at the same time improve her precision. I think we should be able to compete in next level in the fall, which means I will have both dogs in the same class. Will be interesting to compare the results of these two! They are so different!
That´s what I call a perfect beginning of a summer season! Full of hope, joy and exciting plans! Let´s live it!