Waiting time. Still a week to go. Last ultrasonography, a week ago, confirmed that there is just one pup in Rudas belly. I am a bit concerned but I hope she will manage to give birth to it without complications. The vet said also that, judging by the puppy´s heart rythm, he thinks it might be a male.
Rudas belly has not changed much however her tits have become enormous and filled with milk. Well, nothing to do, just wait and hope for the best!
We have had wonderful time on our training camp. We have been able to work despite Rudas pregnancy and Primas damaged paw. We did what we could. Quite a lot actually. Except obedience we tried some nose work and searching objects in the woods. I think I will continue with both as this is such a good activity for the dogs and both liked it.
We had perfect weather, nice company and the place was a dream! So beautiful and quiet, in the middle of nowhere, just like I love it!
Generally we have had sun every single day during last 4 weeks and summer temperatures. We have been able to start swimming in our lake on May 10th. I do not remember a May like that! Not in Sweden anyway! It´s good for dogs to swim every day as Ruda does not move as much as usually. And as temperatures are above 25°C the dogs are slower and sleep a lot during the day time.
We do not train as much as we usually do, it´s simply too hot. And our plants need a lot of watering every day... But I cherish every moment!
I cannot compete with Ruda anyway...
Primas wound is almost completely closed now, after more that 4 weeks of changing dressings, putting on/taking off her shoes and watching her so she would not lick. I hope it will heal until June 6th when we are supposed to compete in obedience class 1.
This is the only plan I have for the summer except taking care of a little puppy and enjoying every moment of the best season of the year!