About us
There are six in our pack: me, my husband Jacek , our two dogs-a Belgian Shepherd/Laekenois bitch called Ruda and a Border Collie called Prima and our two Maine Coon cats-Xenon and Rost.
We also own another Laekenois, Orca, but nowadays she stays with us only occasionally.
We live in a house just 25 km outside City of Stockholm in a beautiful area of huge, old forests close to Tyresta National Park. It is a paradise, especially in the summertime when we can go for long walks and swim in crystal clear lakes.
Our house has a lot of ground to it, so the dogs can exercise freely and I can train obedience or agility on the lawn or tracking on the other side of the fence.
We run our own veterinary clinic which allows our dogs to follow us to work in the city every day. That helps to make them social and easy-going companions in everyday life.
Training obedience with my dogs is my main hobby and adds a lot of joy to my life. As soon as I have some time over for other things I train tracking or agility. My dogs enjoy everything I come up with!