In the end of March it was time to leave sunny Spain and head back home to Sweden. It is the time when our garden needs intensive attention as the growing season usually begins in April. I thought I had to get ready!
Well, actually, I could have waited until the end of April! It has been a very cold spring and the only plants that I could make grow was tomatoes and peppers inside of the house.
Leaving Spain was harder than I thought it would be. Loved being there! I will miss our walks on the beach and exploring new tracks in the mountains.
Thanks to all the pictures I had taken I can easily go back and experience the best moments again.
In the meantime the little puppy Brita celebrated her second birthday and, as usual, I found it difficult to believe. I thought time would slow down now when I am retired but I have the feeling that it flies even faster?
A mature lady now but still happy and playful when she has a chance and calm and patient when needed. I´m so happy with this puppy! Such a pity she cannot be used in breeding! She could be an excellent mother!
Coming back to Sweden as early as at the end of March has given me the opportunity to see all the signs of approaching spring - from a few snow storms in the beginning until the blossom of apple trees right now.
All the hard work in the garden is finished now, all the seeds and cuttings are in the soil and all the peppers and tomatoes are out in the greenhouse. Whats left now is just everyday fight with the weed and the snails. And praying for some sun! I cannot do so much more. Now it´s up to the plants and it´s tough! Nights are still very cold and I really I hope for a change soon!
The very first visit we made after coming home was at my sister´s place on the countryside. There we met a new member of the family , a puppy called Maggi, a Cocker Spaniel mix. A very strong character together with enormous energy reserves isn´t going to make my sister´s life easy…
Except gardening I continue training obedience with the dogs almost every day. Mostly in the morning, before I lose the rest of my energy in the garden.
We are making progress in learning new exercises in class 3 with Ruda and Prima and preparing Brita to start in the lowest classes. If everything goes as planned I will try to compete again in the fall.
A month ago I have decided to find another home for Prima. She attacked Ruda, unprovoked again, on four different occasions, twice in Spain and twice here at home. Any stress or excitement, positive or negative, may trigger her attack. And I know this will happen again…
I have not been seeking a new home for her actively, I just told friends around hoping inwardly that I will not find a right person. I just cannot imagine giving her away. Right now everything works well between them. I can see some stiff bodies sometimes, now on both sides, but this is something I can handle. The next thing is to have them spayed as the first attacks came just before Prima coming into season. I hope that would help! Yes, I admit, I am an incurable optimist!
I appreciate so much being here in Sweden during the springtime! Nowhere in the world the sky is so blue and the green colour is so green as here!
Welcome SPRING!