Little Contra left us the very first day she became 8 weeks old. She is going to live on a farm with horses and chickens and two older hunting dogs. Not far away from Stockholm and on the way to my sisters country house which gives us opportunity to visit her sometimes. But the moment she was leaving was rather sad.
Last picture at home
With the new owner
Well she will certainly be loved and have wonderful life with her new family! Be happy little girl!
Next to go was Carma and Covira.
The situation was more complicated with these two as they were to move to Norway. Their new owners were actually allowed to cross the Swedish border but two weeks of home quarantine afterwards seemed to be hard to accomplish. We decided then to meet at the border so nobody would have to cross the line and I drove the puppies there. Despite some pushbacks everything went well in the end and I felt relieved leaving them in arms of those wonderful people after the long drive.
Carma, now called Fifi
Covira, now called Charlie
Good luck girls! Have long and happy life!
So now I have 3 puppies at home for some more weeks. Hopefully the boy will leave sooner as he also has Norwegian owners but they are living in Germany. As soon as they will be allowed to travel Mr Charming will be collected here and wait in Norway until he is ready with vaccination against rabies. The little girl going to Poland has to wait until the end of June when she is prepared for travelling within EU. She will be sent by pet transport.
This Corona crises has complicated everything!
I have to offer them as many experiences as I can. The best time for learning is now!
So I have a plan for every day and, even if this terribly cold weather makes everything more difficult, I try to fulfil the plan.
We have visited my sisters country house while we still had 5 pups. We went to the beach and they really enjoyed running on sand and some of them even took the opportunity to steep the feet. But it was Ruda who was the happiest one!
Mr Charming
I have been to the City and let them see the crowd. I have to do it few more times. The traffic does not bother them but running people and screaming children on the playground seemed to concern them. Walking around in strange buildings works better and better and visiting strange places is just pure fun! Which means I have to move to the City…
Choosing the right puppy for myself is a real dilemma. One day I prefer Cabrita, the other day Carisma.
Good for me that I do not have to hurry!
Trio today, from left Cabrita, Charming and Carisma