

I the end of February we had some snow on the ground. It stayed for a couple of days and melted away. The weather does not behave winter-like, some trees are about to bloom and spring flowers peep out here and there. Must be at least a month earlier than usual! It has been raining and raining but I do prefer that as there are no risk of breaking legs while walking the dogs.


Prima enjoys life as usual. Training goes well, though she has some problems with speed and stopping before command. But I have decided to wait with competition in 3rd class until fall. I want to be sure she will make a 100% start according to her ability.

Last week we have taken it very easy. Ruda has become heavy and slower than usual. She still wants to perform but I am not sure what I can do with her without taking a risk of some kind of injury. The babies should be born very soon, her temperature started to drop down this morning. It´s all about waiting now.

I´m a bit concerned but try to think positively. She is in good condition though she has been eating poorly, I had to use lots of different tricks to make her interested in food. She wouldn´t even look at dry dog food! Hope she will start eating normally when puppies are born.


There has been no problems for Basqa, now called Shadow, to give birth to 13 (!!!) puppies in Belgium. So Ruda is a grandmother now! All pups and the proud mother are doing fine and I am very happy! I have been worried about my little baby but she once again proved to be a real, native dog with strong instincts.

Christines pic of resting Basqa after delivery

Christines pic of resting Basqa after delivery


Now lets hope all the puppies will grow nicely as they will certainly need some kind of milk replacement to support the mother. Though the chance is big that she will produce enough milk for all of them. She is a tough lady!


Both cats are doing fine. They like to spend time together but Rost is much more tied to people and our dogs, loves to be near us while Xenon prefers to keep some distance. He has been following us on our walks in the woods lately, which I find very charming. Hope Rost will follow the example!

Now back to waiting. I see that Ruda started to tremble. The delivery is on its way and we are prepared!