Time flies! The puppy is growing fast and almost every day brings something new in her quick development She started to play with her mother of course but also with people and toys. Just few days ago she was walking around on shaky legs and now she is able to control the body in full gallop. She carefully examins her nearest surrounding with curiosity and bravery. She gets all our attention so she is nearly housbroken and she already eats real puppy food with minced meat and egg yolk twice a day. I am grateful for the rare opportunity to witness her grow so closely as this is only possible when there are very few pups in a litter.
The worries about raising a single puppy are still here but not so substancial anymore. I have tried to find playmates about the same age for little Basqa, as we call her, but have not succeed. I hope finding young playful pups will be easier but I have to wait a couple of weeks until she is more mature. It should be enough for her socialization, it has to be.
In the meantime I hope Prima will take some part in rising the puppy. She has stayed away from it so far but this morning she started to play and I suppose it was just a beginning!
Otherwise life is good right now. We work only 4 days a week and our summer guest, my dear cousin, helps a lot with the little one so I can leave and train the dogs sometimes.
Wonderful summer weather continues! I cannot recall a summer like this in Sweden! But, of course, everything has its price. The lawn is brownish and a lot of plants are running out of water. We still have some water in our own well but it may go dry anytime now.
Hoping for some rain, that´s what I do now! I never thought I would!