Difficult to take a positive picture at this time of year. I mean a picture that contains light. It´s been dark most of the time. Days are like nights and nights are completely black. When the light returns the temperature drops and it´s cold. But I think I prefere that though my hands are stiff and frozen and I have to put warm clothes on me that disturb free movement. We had very few cold and sunny days during November. And it´s just a beginning…Many difficult months wait ahead. I´m dreaming about moving to Spain during wintertime as soon as I retire, which can be quite soon. The hope is keeping me alive.
Yesterday I even had my hand operated which does not make things better. Nothing serious and it is my left hand but I have to change the way of rewarding the dogs and it is going to take time.
The nearest plan is to go to Swedish Winner Show with Ruda. I do not expect her to win any titles because she is not so enthusiastic about big shows and does show her best, but it will be nice to be there, meet others and watch obedience trial with the best competitors.
The doggies are doing well and are happy. The big ones are in love with each other as Ruda is in season right now and then they “make love not war”. Basqa is in teasing period and it really tests mine and the dogs´ patience. She barks a lot, steals everything from them, does not come when I call and is thoroughly sassy. She can steal food from the table and bite our shoes. Nothing special for a puppy but I never had one like her! I just hope she will get over that period without injuries as she moves around quickly and without watching. She has had few small accidents, leading to screaming and limping for a while but nothing serious. We have a lot of rocks, roots and ditches in the woods and one has to be careful. Will she ever learn? But she is really sweet in between so there still some hope that this part of her will eventually take over!