It has been a long time since I last wrote a post.
My old blog disappeared somewhere in the cyber space and was very hard to find. It is not certain I would be able to attach it to my new website.
My old homepage became out of date and I could not update it without professional help.
But thanks to changing times creating a new website is an easy task, even for an older lady like me.
I am very grateful to my friend Renia and my son Nik for helping me to get started.
One of last pictures of all my dogs together
Spring 2017 will be remembered as the time of Queen passing away. She moved to the painfree world on April 17th.
Letting her go was not an easy task.
It took long time before I could allow the thought cross my mind. It took long time to set up the date and plan the day.
It is going to take time before I can think about her without feeling pain tearing my body into pieces.
She was not an ordinary dog.
Farewell my Grand Lady! I will always miss You!